Sunday, November 4, 2007

Goodbye for Now to MMS-7

Mrs. C. is returning from her 12-week maternity leave tomorrow; so I said my goodbyes to the students Friday afternoon. It was a day of conflicting emotions. I am in need of a break and am looking forward to some time to spend with family again; but I will miss each of these unique individuals immensely.

The student-teacher relationship is a unique one. In good circumstances it strongly resembles that of child-parent. My attachment to each of the students in my three 100-minute a day classes grew strong and binding during our 12-week tenure together. I will miss each one and will rejoice with them as I hear of their accomplishments in the coming years. In order to convey my best wishes to the students, I prepared a goodbye letter and printed a copy for each of the 63 students with whom I have been working. I then wrote a personal message of encouragement and farewell to each at the bottom of the printed letter.

Here is the text of the letter I gave to each student.

November 2, 2007

My Dear Student,

I have been blessed to share in your life for twelve weeks. I have grown to love you, and I am expecting to hear great things about what you accomplish in your life.

I hope that you will:

  • Concentrate on doing things that will have a positive effect on your life.
  • Choose your friends wisely (They will influence the outcome of your life more than you realize.)
  • Listen to your parents and teachers (They love you and want what is best for you.)
  • Do the very best you possibly can in everything you attempt.
  • Don’t look back on the things you would have done, could have done, or should have done, but look forward to what you CAN do.
  • Take every opportunity you have to make a positive difference in someone’s life.
  • Invest yourself (your time, your energy, and your thoughts) in what matters most – the special people that God has placed along your path.

In the routine of daily living, it is very easy to get caught up in “stuff” (in the things that don’t really matter) when in fact, you are meant for greater things! Your talents, your gifts, your time, your energy, your love—these are precious resources of great value. I hope you realize that, and I hope that you will find your joy in being a person of ethical conduct and a person who shares his/her best with others. You have the power to contribute to a better future for all of us.

God bless you!
Ms T

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